The Dispatch - Issue #24
More mumblings across the industry of rates having peaked and the carrier's boom time being nearly over. Some interesting opinions on LinkedIn that rates could be as low as $2000 per FEU come Chinese New Year 2023 😱
I’m not sure we’ll see rates at those levels again, but interesting nonetheless, and signs are certainly there that the market continues to soften.
XSI® - C
Report a figure of $10,172 per 40’ container (FEU) dated 12/07/22 (up 0..38% WoW)
Report a figure of $10,471 per 40’ container (FEU) dated 15/07/22 (down 1% WoW)
Love this brilliant explanation of the circular economy. Thank you
— Diane Gilpin (@smartgreenship) July 11, 2022
Demand data shows clear signs of a weakening market with the annualised growth rate compared to 2019 rapidly approaching zero and firmly on a declining trend
— Sam Chambers (@SamChambers) July 11, 2022
👇sums it up. Not all retail is same, not all retailers have the same #inventory challenges. In general merchandise, where retailers compete with same products; not in stock is devastating to sales. Predicting demand, working constraints and building stock can swing good or bad.
— Supply Chain Boy (@AbirThakurta) July 11, 2022