The Dispatch - Issue #24


More mumblings across the industry of rates having peaked and the carrier's boom time being nearly over. Some interesting opinions on LinkedIn that rates could be as low as $2000 per FEU come Chinese New Year 2023 😱

I’m not sure we’ll see rates at those levels again, but interesting nonetheless, and signs are certainly there that the market continues to soften.

XSI® - C

Report a figure of $10,172 per 40’ container (FEU) dated 12/07/22 (up 0..38% WoW)


Report a figure of $10,471 per 40’ container (FEU) dated 15/07/22 (down 1% WoW)


Demand data points towards the end of the ‘wild’ carrier party - Splash247
There’s growing evidence that the days are coming to an end of the booming consumer demand, which saw container shipping hit record high levels of profitability over the last couple of years. Drewry’s latest global port throughput index for April shows an increase of 1.7% month-on-month to reach 141…
6m teu of surplus containers now exist - Splash247
The global pool of shipping containers increased by 13% to almost 50m teu in 2021, which was three times prior growth trend. This reflected lessors and ocean carriers ordering a record number of containers, while retiring fewer ageing units, as congestion across global supply chains meant containers…
The myth of supply chain management
Managers should be focused not only on minimizing costs, but securing the resiliency and elasticity of their supply chains.


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