The Dispatch - Issue #22
The situation remains very much the same for pricing from Asia to Europe. Rates are bobbing around at similar levels, with lower deals available on specific sailing options for limited TEU volumes. With talk of an ‘early peak season’ being mentioned more frequently, it will be interesting to see if this has a knock on effect on pricing.
XSI® - C
Report a figure of $10,270 per 40’ container (FEU) dated 23/05/22 (down 1.38% WoW)
Report a figure of $10,697 per 40’ container (FEU) dated 17/06/22 (up 1% WoW)
Shippers beware, eventually dynamic pricing will include a discount (up or down) based on the carrier's ability to get into and out of your site. Their cost basis is hours (truck utilization) not miles, and they're going to figure this out. So shape up!
— JT's SCM Tweets (@SCM_tweets) June 9, 2022
If you can do your job from Boulder, it can be moved to Bangalore.
— Scott Galloway (@profgalloway) June 12, 2022
This week, @Flexport will be at @IPM_Network's "Industry Forum for Digital SMEs" in Germany to talk about building resilient supply chains while sharing some Beer of Lading with attendees.🍻
— Flexport (@flexport) June 13, 2022
Hey @typesfast, I'm sure we'll get the question... can we start shipping these globally?