The Dispatch - Issue #39

Currently freight rates still threatening to drop further, with spot rates on specific sailings being well below the market average. Contract rates being negotiated currently in the UK are nearing the same levels as current spot rates according to the below article from the Loadstar. There’s still room to get back some extended free time agreements to make life a little easier for importers when their shipments arrive.

As always, for the best current spot pricing, just click below button or hit reply to this message.

Below indices are always lagging on the actual achievable rates, but provide a good record & visual of the situation.

XSI® - C

Report a figure of $1,548 per 40’ container (FEU) dated 21/02/23 (down 5.44% WoW)


Report a figure of $2,619 per 40’ container (FEU) dated 24/02/23 (down 8% WoW)


Heavy weather for carriers as rates for new contracts near parity with spot - The Loadstar
Maersk said 2023 contract rates for its liner services were “trending towards spot rates”; but that is accelerating as agreements expire.
COSCO forms the China Electric Ship Innovation Alliance - Splash247
China’s largest shipping entity, COSCO, has formed the China Electric Ship Innovation Alliance. Top national authorities and more than 80 companies have joined the alliance, helping cement the country’s position as one of the world’s leaders when it comes to the electrification of shipping. The Yang…
Maersk files claim against Evergreen and Shoei Kisen over Ever Given grounding - Splash247
Denmark’s A.P. Moller-Maersk has filed a lawsuit against the owner and operator of the containership , which blocked the Suez Canal for six days in 2021, seeking compensation for delays caused by the incident. “We can confirm that Maersk has filed a claim against Evergreen, the ship’s owner and the…


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